McNeil Scholarship Winner

February 17, 2020


Congratulations to Isabella Wilson, the winner of the McNeil Scholarship to study abroad at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland!

The McNeil Scholarship from the St. Andrew Society of Philadelphia is given to high achieving students to study abroad for an academic year at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland. For

the past four years, the St. Andrew Society of Philadelphia awarded one Drexel University student with this $25,000 scholarship. The purpose of this award is to foster understanding between Scottish culture and American culture.

This year’s winner, Isabella Wilson, is an Anthropology Major with minors in Environmental Studies and Middle East and North African Studies. She is an ambitious student who is excited to spend an entire academic year studying in Scotland and have such an immersive cross-cultural experience! Her father’s family is from Scotland, so when Isabella saw this scholarship was available to a Drexel student, she was immediately interested.

Isabella is beyond thrilled about the kind of courses that the University of Aberdeen has to offer for Anthropology majors. Being able to go out into the field and excavate has been a goal of Isabella’s, and she hopes that this experience will allow her to determine what she wants to do after graduation. Having studied abroad before in Amman, Jordan, Isabella believes that studying abroad really gives students skills that they cannot get in work environments and classroom settings. Her view of the world and herself has changed when she went abroad in the past, and she believes that her time in Scotland will contribute to her growth as a person.

Once again, congratulations Isabella on this great achievement!